Trellix Advanced Correlation Engine

Detect threats based on what you value.

Find threats that defy rules-based detection

Real-time and Historical Threat Detection

Get zero-day threat detection. Analyze events for immediate threat and risk detection to determine if your organization was exposed to a specific attack.

Rule-based Event Correlation

Correlate all logs, events, and network flows together—along with contextual information such as identity, roles, vulnerabilities, and more—to detect patterns indicative of a larger threat.

Risk Score Correlation

In rule-less correlation systems, detection signatures are replaced with a simple, one-time configuration, providing real-time threat detection.

Real-time Tracking and Alerting

Receive notifications if specific users, groups, applications, servers, or subnets are threatened.

Performance Where You Need It

Get the processing power required to support rich event correlation across your entire enterprise.

Simplified Deployment

Streamline event correlation and startup. Trellix Advanced Correlation Engine does not require rule updates or signature tuning.

Product Features

Historical Threat Analysis

Use audit trails and historical replays to support forensics, compliance, and rule tuning. Keep a complete audit trail of risk scores to analyze threat conditions over time.

No Performance Impact

Because Trellix Advanced Correlation Engine is a self-contained appliance or virtual offering, there’s absolutely no performance impact on Trellix Enterprise Security Manager.

Deployment Options

Trellix Advanced Correlation Engine is available in both appliance and virtual deployments.

Take the next step toward living security for your data