Hours of SOC time saved
for every 100 alerts
Recommend the Trellix
platform to their peers
Integrations to connect
all your tools
Minutes to triage, scope,
and assess every alert
Seamless integration of 1000+ third-party sources out of the box with native security controls
Broadest set of tightly integrated, best-of-breed security controls, threat intelligence, and XDR
Security for all your workloads across your organization, whether on-premises, cloud, or hybrid
Intelligence from over 40,000 customers combined with findings from Trellix Advanced Research Center
Correlated, prioritized threat detection across multiple security controls and tools
Minimice el tiempo necesario para detectar, investigar y responder a las amenazas de ransomware.
Informe e implemente la estrategia de confianza cero (Zero-Trust) de manera más rápida con datos de telemetría completos.
Ponga en práctica la inteligencia sobre amenazas, reduzca el número de alertas y automatice las respuestas.
Seguridad en la nube
Proteja contra ataques y asegure su infraestructura híbrida y multinube.
Modernización de
Optimice sus operaciones y cree un SOC más eficaz.
Though the company has looked into other security solutions, SMS Group chose the Trellix XDR SecOps Platform.
AU Small Finance Bank proactively defends against cyberattacks with Trellix.
Utility provider stewards community necessities and customer data.