Threat Intelligence

Trellix creates a stronger defense for you.

Trellix Threat Intelligence provides actionable information about threat actors and behaviors leveraging data from hundreds of millions of connected sensors globally to keep you one step ahead of cyberthreats and adversaries.

Trellix Threat Intelligence

La misión

Trellix Threat Intelligence is a portfolio comprised of solutions and services from our team of experts including our cybersecurity product team and Threat Intelligence Group. We help defend our customers against everyday threats with the tight collaboration between both our product team and our threat researchers working together in real time.

63% of security professionals say that their organization doesn’t have the right staff or skills to manage an appropriate CTI program.”

— CSO: Cyber threat intelligence programs: Still crazy after all these years

Nuestro lema:

"Semper Vigilat Contra Malum" 
Siempre vigilantes contra el mal

Acerca del Trellix Threat Intelligence Group

La principal misión del Trellix Threat Intelligence Group (TIG) es garantizar que se proporcionen a nuestros clientes los datos y análisis más recientes, para asegurar las indicaciones y advertencias adecuadas. El grupo TIG tiene su sede en Columbia, en Estados Unidos, y cuenta con analistas repartidos por todo el mundo.

Trellix Email Security solution brief

Soluciones de inteligencia sobre amenazas de Trellix

Trellix Threat Intelligence Services

Nuestros partners

Trellix builds relationships with other organizations (public or private sectors) for intelligence-sharing. Check out a few of our partners below. And to learn more about our threat intelligence partnerships, check out the Trellix Security Innovation Alliance Partner Directory.

Dé el siguiente paso hacia una inteligencia de amenazas evolutiva.