Joe Gonyea is Executive Vice President, and Chief Legal Officer for Trellix and Skyhigh Security, where he leads the global legal team and provides strategic business advice. He specializes in business transformation and corporate development, with a focus on rapid and efficient growth while maintaining robust governance controls. He previously served as general counsel at Snow Software where he led and executed multiple strategic transactions as the organization achieved significant growth and improved profitability, and he has held legal leadership positions with Upland Software where he focused on M&A and strategic initiatives. Prior to his work in-house, Joe managed a private law practice specializing in complex litigation and government affairs and served as an adjunct professor at South Texas College of Law Houston.
Joe holds a Juris Doctorate from South Texas College of Law Houston and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Texas at Austin.
Be concise and specific:
Wrong: I want to learn how to migrate to Trellix Endpoint Security
Right: Trellix Endpoint Security migration
Use quotation marks to find a specific phrase:
“migrate to Trellix Endpoint Security”
Use sets of quotation marks to search for multiple queries:
“endpoint security” “Windows”
Punctuation and special characters are ignored:
Avoid these characters: `, ~, :, @, #, $, %, ^, &, =, +, <, >, (, )
The search engine is not case sensitive:
Endpoint security, endpoint security, and ENDPOINT SECURITY will all yield the same results.