Data Security

Protect the data that matters

Unrivaled protection for sensitive information

Trellix Data Security protects sensitive and proprietary information shared on endpoints, networks, email, the web, and within databases — as well as provides encryption protection for devices and data transfers to removable media.

Trellix Data Security products

Trellix Data Loss Prevention

Stop intentional and accidental data loss on endpoints, through email, via the web, and across networks.

Trellix Data Encryption

Protect data on enterprise and removable devices from unauthorized access.

Trellix Database Security

Find and protect sensitive information in databases while maintaining performance and managing user access.

Revolutionize your cyber resilience

Reduce risk, cost, complexity, and time to value with a single, open, comprehensive AI-powered security platform.

Learn more about the Trellix Security Platform

Why Data Security?


Protect the data that matters from theft, misuse, and accidental exposure.


Comply with complex and constantly changing privacy laws and regulatory standards.


Get real-time visibility and unified management from a single console.

Industry recognition

Trellix is recognized as an industry leader by key analyst firms

Security awareness

What is Data Security?

Data security is the practice of safeguarding digital information from unauthorized access, accidental loss, theft, modification, manipulation, or corruption throughout its entire lifecycle.

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What is DLP?

Data Loss Prevention (DLP), per Gartner, may be defined as technologies which perform both content inspection and contextual analysis of data.

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What is Data Encryption?

Data encryption scrambles data into “ciphertext” to render it unreadable to anyone without the correct decryption key or password.

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Take the next step toward living security for your data