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Arafa is a Senior Consultant with the Advanced Cyber Threat Services team at Trellix. Her interest lies in defensive security both pre and post compromise. She specializes in proactive security assessments, threat hunting, threat intelligence services, responding to and remediating incidents in real time. She is passionate about working with organizations in varying industries to increase the cyber security posture in their environment. Arafa helps organizations build their own threat intelligence programs leveraging her expertise in the domain. She is also passionate about teaching and leads public training courses on incident response, threat hunting and analyzing malware. She thrives to stay atop of cybersecurity events and work with the cybersecurity community in tech and academia. She takes on speaking engagements to share thoughts with peers about the world of incident response and cybersecurity at large.
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Wrong: I want to learn how to migrate to Trellix Endpoint Security
Right: Trellix Endpoint Security migration
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“migrate to Trellix Endpoint Security”
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“endpoint security” “Windows”
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Endpoint security, endpoint security, and ENDPOINT SECURITY will all yield the same results.