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The latest cybersecurity trends, best practices,
security vulnerabilities, and more
Rob Cappiello is a product manager focused on designing amazing solutions that save you from being the next headline news. Over the past decade, he has launched several cybersecurity products that have changed how the industry develops security outcomes, such as innovating on several XDR releases before it became an industry term and the Trellix Endpoint HX modular architecture that helped find the initial Solar Winds Supply Chain attack at Mandiant.
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Be concise and specific:
Wrong: I want to learn how to migrate to Trellix Endpoint Security
Right: Trellix Endpoint Security migration
Use quotation marks to find a specific phrase:
“migrate to Trellix Endpoint Security”
Use sets of quotation marks to search for multiple queries:
“endpoint security” “Windows”
Punctuation and special characters are ignored:
Avoid these characters: `, ~, :, @, #, $, %, ^, &, =, +, <, >, (, )
The search engine is not case sensitive:
Endpoint security, endpoint security, and ENDPOINT SECURITY will all yield the same results.