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The latest cybersecurity trends, best practices,
security vulnerabilities, and more
Robert is a U.S. Army Veteran with over 15 years of cyber security industry experience. He has cultivated experience traversing multiple practices and domains. His primary focus is on the Data Security/Data Governance practice assisting customers in maximizing the benefits of their Data Security investments.
During his free time, Robert enjoys training in mixed martial arts, researching/volunteering with Veterans mental organizations, and watching Sunday morning Philadelphia Eagles games with his family.
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Be concise and specific:
Wrong: I want to learn how to migrate to Trellix Endpoint Security
Right: Trellix Endpoint Security migration
Use quotation marks to find a specific phrase:
“migrate to Trellix Endpoint Security”
Use sets of quotation marks to search for multiple queries:
“endpoint security” “Windows”
Punctuation and special characters are ignored:
Avoid these characters: `, ~, :, @, #, $, %, ^, &, =, +, <, >, (, )
The search engine is not case sensitive:
Endpoint security, endpoint security, and ENDPOINT SECURITY will all yield the same results.