Webinar: Why IPS Still Matters

Despite its reputation as a mature, commodity, technology, IPS (Intrusion Prevention Systems) are still an essential part of network security strategy. Increases in vulnerabilities, exploits against those vulnerabilities, and speed and scale of new exploits are forcing a reckoning with what IPSs must be capable of.

In this webinar, you will:

  • - See the hard numbers that show the scale of the challenge
  • - Learn why legacy IPSs are no longer fit for purpose
  • - Understand how modern IPSs meet the new demands

Our presenter, Gus Arias, Solutions Architect at Trellix, has over 20 years of Cybersecurity experience ranging from operations, implementation, malware analysis, architecture and design for endpoint, network, and cloud technologies. Currently hold multiple industry certifications, including CISSP, CSSK, ITL v3, and Network and Penetration Testing Certifications.