Critical Ransomware Threats: June 2023 Cyber Threat Report Webinar

Watch this webinar to get Insights on Critical Ransomware Vulnerabilities from the June 2023 CyberThreat Report.

Ransomware attacks are rapidly evolving. Get the latest intelligence on the ransomware landscape, APT groups, and ransomware tactics, techniques, and procedures from the Trellix Advanced Research Center. Join Trellix researchers as they share key findings from the June 2023 CyberThreat Report.

Discover how you can strengthen your security posture and reduce your risk and protect your organization. You'll learn about:

  • - The constantly shifting landscape of ransomware threats
  • - Best practices on addressing these types of threats
  • - How XDR can help to detect and respond quick to threats

Authored by Trellix’s Advanced Research Center, this report: 

(1) highlights insights, intelligence, and guidance gleaned from multiple sources of critical data on cybersecurity threats, and
(2) develops expert, rational, and reasonable interpretations of this data to inform and enable best practices in cyber defense. 

This edition focuses on data and insights captured between January 1, 2023, and March 31, 2023. Read the full report here.